Izdelki za oljčni mlin za durant (28)

REKORD Kakavovi mlinčki za fino mletje Nibs

REKORD Kakavovi mlinčki za fino mletje Nibs

REKORD Prallmühlen mit speziellen Mahlelementen und Siebeinsätzen zur Feinvermahlung von Kakaonibs einstufig bis ca. 60 - 75 µm. Mehrstufige Vermahlungen sind möglich. Energieeffizient, wartungsarm.
Silo pobarvano v obliki stožca - Lafarge Francija

Silo pobarvano v obliki stožca - Lafarge Francija

Volume en fonction du diamètre (Diamètre en mètres * Volume): 3,1 * 106 / 3,7 * 152 / 4,32 * 207 / 4,94 *270/ 5,56 * 342 / 6,18 * 423 / 6,8 * 512 / 7,41 * 608 / 8,03 * 714 / 8,65 * 827/ 9,26 * 950 / 9,88 * 1081 / 10,5 * 1221 / 11,11 *1367/ 11,73 * 1524 / 12,35 * 1689 Silos modulaires, évolutifs, adaptés aux capacités industrielles de stockage de tout produit vrac et permettant la vidange intégrale et le remplissage par un autre produit sans transiter par un nettoyage préalable. Silos DOHOGNE SYSTEM, construits par panneaux cintrés, boulonnés extérieurement, auto*nettoyants, démontables, interchangeables, épaisseur 2 à 4 mm, dimensions standard 940 x 1940 mm. Silos étanches et robustes dotés de 50 ans d'expérience, régis par la norme européenne EN 1991-4 répondant aux exigences statiques et dynamiques spécifiques au stockage. Silos préfabriqués, économiquement transportables,dont : -l'imbrication dans un complexe existant est permise par l'arrivée du silo en pièces détachées sur le s
Proizvodna Linija UAN 32

Proizvodna Linija UAN 32

Die intelligente Produktionslinie für UAN 32 bezieht sich auf ein fortschrittliches Fertigungssystem, das Automatisierung, digitale Technologien und Datenanalysen umfasst, um den Produktionsprozess von UAN 32-Düngemittel zu optimieren. UAN 32 steht für Harnstoff-Ammoniumnitrat-Lösung mit einem Stickstoffgehalt von 32 %. Profitable Produktion:Nur 15 kW elektrischer Energieverbrauch Schnelle Produktion:20 Minuten für jede Charge Intelligente Produktion:Automatische Kontrolle aller Elemente und Teile Minimale Personalstärke:1 Techniker reicht für die vollständige Produktion Zollfrei:A-TR wird ausgestellt Benutzerfreundliches UX/UI-Design:einfach zu verwenden
Mlinčki za Žito in Granule

Mlinčki za Žito in Granule

Getreide und Granulatmühlen
Mešalniki za Mörtel in Mešalne naprave - Betonske naprave

Mešalniki za Mörtel in Mešalne naprave - Betonske naprave

A mortar or concrete mixer is a special type of machinery designed to mix, with high efficiency, the ingredients used in the formulation of mortar and concrete. They are an important piece of equipment for those involved in construction, masonry, and landscaping projects. The blender mixes the ingredients like cement, sand, water, and aggregates with high precision to provide uniform and consistent mixes. The available types of mortar concrete mixers in the market are the drum mixers and the pan mixers; these mixers effectively cater to different project sizes and requirements. Their key task is to mix dry and wet materials effectively in order to obtain a homogeneous mortar or concrete mix produced. Mortar concrete mixers automate the mixing process, which saves construction time and improves the quality of work. Mortar concrete mixers are versatile in what the mixers can perform and are convenient and quick for mixing materials in many forms of construction.
Cisterne za shranjevanje tekočih gnojil - Kmetijski

Cisterne za shranjevanje tekočih gnojil - Kmetijski

BIEBER Industrie fabrique et commercialise une gamme large de cuve de stockage. La contenance est variable de 2 000 litres à 70 000 litres. Nos atouts Une expérience de longue date Un produit à la fiabilité éprouvée Une fabrication sur mesure Un ensemble d’accessoires adaptés aux besoins


Kapasiteler: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 , 1000 ton Tip: Cıvatalı Sac et kalınlığı : 4 mm - 10 mm Ekonomik Nakliye: Sadece 2 adet tır ile taşınabilme. Kolay ve Hızlı Kurulum: 4-5 gün süren saha montajı.
PULZ® Planetarna Cirkulacijska Barvna Centrifuga - PULZ® Planetarna Cirkulacijska Barvna Centrifuga - 32g Pospešitev

PULZ® Planetarna Cirkulacijska Barvna Centrifuga - PULZ® Planetarna Cirkulacijska Barvna Centrifuga - 32g Pospešitev

Lageveränderung der Teile bei 32g Beschleunigung In enger Zusammenarbeit mit einem weltweit führenden Hersteller für Verbindungselemente wurde die neuartige Beschichtungsstation PULZ® entwickelt. Die spezielle, zum Patent angemeldete Technologie ermöglicht es nach dem Eintauchen die Teile mit einer Beschleunigung von 32g auf Abschleuderdrehzahl zu bringen. Gleichzeitig mit Erreichen der Abschleuderdrehzahl kann die Lage der Teile verändert werden, so dass auch aus Hohlräumen, Innenangriffen, Hinterschneidungen und sonstigen schöpfenden Bereichen der Teilegeometrie bereits vor Beginn des Antrocknens das überschüssige Beschichtungsmedium entfernt werden kann In 5 Sekunden von 0 auf 180 min-1 Damit auftretende Kräfte und die erforderliche Leistung zur Lageveränderung beherrschbar sind, wurden zwei Drehwerke an einem zentralen Balken vorgesehen. An jedem Drehwerk wird ein Träger mit drei Trommeln rotiert. Der Balken wird in 5 Sekunden auf eine Drehzahl von 180 min-1 beschleunigt.
Ključna mlin

Ključna mlin

For recycling materials: plastics, straw, organic waste, aluminum, metal, WEEE scrap and sheet metal parts. Reliable separation of material fractions and environmentally sensitive components. Flow milling with impact crusher screens. Material is grinded into screen-sized particles.
Avtomatska betonska naprava SUMAB MINI

Avtomatska betonska naprava SUMAB MINI

The SUMAB MINI is a perfect match for you whether you produce concrete for your own project or need materials to produce concrete elements. Technical details: Easy to put it inside the building and build your concrete element factory. Designed on a container frame. 2 aggregate storages, pan-mixer 500/300 liters. Water tank 200 liters. Automatic control of a plant: computer (20 concrete recipes). Concrete plants made by SUMAB are the definition of quality, durability and reliability. Our batching plant are made using Scandinavian technology and components from leading European manufacturers. "Scandinavian & UK Machines" provides full service in mobile and stationary batching plants; block, paving, curbs and wall panels producing equipment; cold asphalt plants; cement unloading equipment supply - consultations, projection, installation, specialists training, service, spare parts delivery.
Ključni mlin - Udarna drobilka

Ključni mlin - Udarna drobilka

Le MA, (ou Concasseur à Marteaux) est un concasseur à impact qui effectue un broyage par percussion entre un rotor muni de marteaux (ou de couteaux) et un stator muni d'une grille qui assure la granulométrie désirée. Son utilisation est généralement celle d'un pré-broyeur qui est positionné en amont d'une installation de broyage; Le MA concasse les blocs de matière brute en particules plus petites capable d'être traitées par un broyeur fin.
Sušilnik/Ohlajevalnik Lopate - (NPD/C)

Sušilnik/Ohlajevalnik Lopate - (NPD/C)

Der NPD-Schaufeltrockner, entwickelt und vertrieben durch die Firma NARA, bietet zahlreiche Möglichkeiten und Vorteile für eine qualitativ hochwertige und reproduzierbare Prozessführung. Als indirekt beheiztes Gerät wird er sowohl zum Trocknen als auch zum Erhitzen oder Kühlen von organischen und anorganischen Pellets, Granulaten oder pulverförmigen Materialien eingesetzt. Die Änderung der Produkttemperatur erfolgt durch Kontakt des Materials mit konusförmigen, rotierenden Schaufeln und der Gerätewand. Hierbei wird der benötigte Wärmeübergang dadurch erzielt, dass Schaufelwellen und Trocknergehäuse beheizt oder gekühlt werden. Außer durch den sehr guten Wärmeübergang zeichnet sich der NPD durch eine kompakte Bauweise und somit geringen Platzbedarf aus. Der hohe Wärmeübertragungskoeffizient kombiniert mit dem durch die gegenläufig rotierenden Schaufeln erzeugten Selbstreinigungseffekt führt zu einem homogenen Produkt für kontinuierlichen oder chargenweisen Betrieb. Weitere...
SILO ŽVEPLA - Arhivi Industrijskih Proizvodov

SILO ŽVEPLA - Arhivi Industrijskih Proizvodov

Localisation Portugal Secteur d’activité Industrie Produits stockés Soufre Année de mise en route 2007 Données du projet Silo 26mØ
Sušilnik granulatov za neprekinjeno delovanje - Sušilnik granulatov za neprekinjeno delovanje podjetja Lödige

Sušilnik granulatov za neprekinjeno delovanje - Sušilnik granulatov za neprekinjeno delovanje podjetja Lödige

El secador de granulados está diseñado para un funcionamiento continuo. Una característica específica de este secador es la combinación de secado por convección y por contacto. Gracias al largo tiempo de permanencia específico del proceso, los productos se secan a bajas temperaturas y, por tanto, con suavidad. Al mismo tiempo, se consigue una granulación muy buena del producto final. El secador de granulación funciona sobre la base del proceso centrífugo y de vórtice. Este intenso efecto de mezcla provoca la separación de las partículas en el lecho fluidizado, crea grandes superficies de producto e impide la formación de gradientes de temperatura y humedad en el producto. El comportamiento del producto durante el secado se ve influido por la geometría de la herramienta de mezclado y los cabezales de cuchillas conmutables. El sistema permite el secado por contacto a presión normal o en atmósfera inerte, así como el secado por convección/contacto en cocorriente y contracorriente.
Mešalnik/Obdelovalni obrat - Obdelovalni obrat

Mešalnik/Obdelovalni obrat - Obdelovalni obrat

Procesanlæg med UZ røreværk
AS 2 - AS 20 - Avtomatski Silosi

AS 2 - AS 20 - Avtomatski Silosi

Automatisches Silo 1.700 - 20.000 kg Details auf Anfrage


Technical specifications : 1. Origin: Russia 2. Renovation year: 2020 3. roll diameter: 660 mm 4. Roller length: 1500 mm 5. Front roll liner speed: 15 rpm 6. speed ratio of rolls: 1: 1,15 7. Roller opening range: 1-30 mm 8. Motor power: 160 kW 9. Engine-transmission transmission type: belt / pulley system 10. Transmission type between gearbox shaft: Direct coupling 11. Bearings: Ball Bearing 12. Lubrication: Automatic 13. Cooling system: Central cooled with water head 14. Visor: Fixed 15. Safety: - 4 emergency stop buttons - 2 emergency stop bars - 2 emergency stop pedals - Return - Engine brake 16. New chassis 17. Shafts ground 18. New electrical and control panel 19. Optional: - Stock blender - Automatic on / off - Motor drive
Cevovodi, Priključki, Kanali

Cevovodi, Priključki, Kanali

For costumers from the steel industry, power plant construction, the chemical industry as well as other industries we manufacture specific pipelines in all sizes and fittings based upon isometric projections or customers´ measurements.
Proizvodna linija UAN 32

Proizvodna linija UAN 32

La ligne de production intelligente pour UAN 32 fait référence à un système de fabrication avancé qui intègre l'automatisation, les technologies numériques et l'analyse de données pour optimiser le processus de production de l'engrais UAN 32. UAN 32 signifie solution d'urée-nitrate d'ammonium avec une teneur en azote de 32 %.
Konični Drobilniki - Objekti za Drobljenje in Sito

Konični Drobilniki - Objekti za Drobljenje in Sito

A cone crusher is a type of crushing machine that utilizes a cone-shaped container to grind rocks and minerals into smaller particles. This equipment is commonly used in the mining and aggregate industries to produce finely crushed material for further processing. Cone crushers operate by squeezing the material between an eccentrically rotating piece called the mantle and a stationary piece called the concave. The crushed material exits the bottom of the machine through the discharge opening. These machines are known for their efficiency in reducing large rocks into smaller sizes, making them valuable tools in various industrial operations. 1. Mantle The mantle is a crucial component of a cone crusher, located beneath the concave. It is a sturdy, cone-shaped piece that gyrates within the concave, creating the crushing action. The mantle's gyrating motion crushes the material fed into the machine, resulting in the desired output size.
30 ton varjen tip cementni silos - Cementni silos

30 ton varjen tip cementni silos - Cementni silos

A 30-ton Welded Type Cement Silo refers to the used specialized storage structure to hold a large quantity of cement in a welded construction. These silos are mainly applied in construction projects, concrete production plants, and industrial projects by which efficient storage and supply of cement are highly required. The welded-type silo design involves welding together the component parts into a robust, seamless storage unit that can bear the weight and pressure of bulk cement. These silos are designed to have a capacity of 30 tons, providing medium storage volume for medium-scale projects that require both a continuous and reliable supply of cement. The application demands regarding cement storing and dispensing are served by a 30-ton welded type cement silo. The welds guarantee the structural integrity of the silo, providing a safe environment for the stored cement.
3000-tonski horizontalni rezervoar za bitumen

3000-tonski horizontalni rezervoar za bitumen

A 3000-ton horizontal bitumen tank is a mega storage unit designed to hold and manage huge volumes of bitumen, thick sticky liquid produced from crude oil. Constructed horizontally, these tanks are built in a way that not only maximizes storage space but also permits the heating and transfer of bitumen effectively and efficiently. These tanks are made from hard-wearing materials like high-grade steel to endure all odds in bitumen storage and thus to keep the material secure and stable through their storage and transportation. A horizontal bitumen tank of 3000 tons is mainly designed to ensure a strong and reliable solution for industries that consume large amounts of bitumen. This large capacity, specially designed, maintains the bitumen either to be used directly in road construction, asphalt production, or waterproofing projects.
Stacionarne serijske tople mešanice asfaltnih obratov - Asfaltni obrati in obdelava bitumna

Stacionarne serijske tople mešanice asfaltnih obratov - Asfaltni obrati in obdelava bitumna

Asphalt Manufacturing Facility The stationary hot mix asphalt plants from Polygonmach are not transportable instead they are fixed in one place and intended for large-scale asphalt production. With capacities ranging from 60 to 400 tonnes per hour these plants can produce asphalt continuously which makes them perfect for large-scale projects. Their main job is to combine aggregates like crushed stone sand or gravel with a binder called asphalt cement to create high-quality hot mix asphalt which is an essential material for road construction and maintenance. Asphalt Plant Near me A vital part of any asphalt plant is aggregate storage. The plant stores aggregates in sizable bins or stockpiles which include sand gravel and crushed stone. These components which make up the majority of the asphalt mix are first sorted according to size and quality before being added to the mixing process.
500-tonski horizontalni rezervoar za bitumen

500-tonski horizontalni rezervoar za bitumen

The 500-ton horizontal bitumen tank is a huge tank that has special designs for keeping and managing high volumes of bitumen, which is extremely thick, viscous material that is processed from crude oil. These are specially designed horizontal tanks that aid in the efficient storage, heating, and transferring of this processed material. Being constructed from high-grade raw materials with good durability, like high-grade steel, bitumen tanks are designed to handle the stresses put on them to ensure that the bitumen inside is secure and stable during storage and transport. With this medium, a 500-ton horizontal bitumen tank serves as one of the main solutions to this colossal reality, which often confronts industries requiring massive volumes of bitumen. The overall structure of the tank maintains bitumen at the right temperature and viscosity. For any industrial purpose, the bitumen in the tank comes out and gets ready for use in an instant.
Dvojni Osni Mešalnik - Betonske Mešalnice

Dvojni Osni Mešalnik - Betonske Mešalnice

Twin Shaft Mixers are some of the high-tech mixing devices presently being used in large quantities for the production of high-grade mixes in various industries. Twin shaft mixers are fitted with two synchronic shafts with arms that are in mutual parallelism and run in mutual parallel directions with one another. The two-shaft construction in twin shaft mixers enables an intensive forceful mixing action, hence adequate blending and homogenization of materials. By this, a dynamic mixing process is realized, and with the help of this method, uniform mixing of such a wide range of substances as concrete, dry powders, and liquids is received for implementation in different areas of the industry. Twin shaft mixers reportedly mix fast and efficiently and are popular in the construction, manufacturing, and processing industries.
Asortiman cilindričnih posod - Kmetijski

Asortiman cilindričnih posod - Kmetijski

BIEBER Industrie fabrique et commercialise une gamme de bacs cylindriques de dimension standard à destination des bovins et des ovins. La contenance est variable de 250 litres à 1 500 litres. La hauteur est de 300 mm pour les ovins, 600 mm pour les bovins et les équins Nos atouts Une expérience de longue date Un produit à la fiabilité éprouvée
Pendularni Mlin PM - Vertikalni Kompresijski Mlin

Pendularni Mlin PM - Vertikalni Kompresijski Mlin

Le broyeur pendulaire POITTEMILL est un broyeur vertical utilisant des forces de compression sur un lit de matière. L'arbre vertical entraîne un mobile constitué de plusieurs pendules montés sur rotule. Chaque pendule porte un galet libre tournant autour de son axe. La rotation du mobile et l'articulation du pendule génère une force centrifuge au niveau du galet. Le produit est broyé par écrasement entre le galet et un chemin de roulement fixe. Avantages : faible consommation d'énergie par rapport à un broyeur à boulets, aucun système hydraulique pour la compression du produit, meilleure ventilation interne, granulométrie ajustable pour obtenir une finesse adaptée, ajustement facile et efficace Débit max.:100 tonnes heure Finesse max.:20 microns Humidité max.:30%
Pendulni Valjni Mlin (pm) - OPREMA

Pendulni Valjni Mlin (pm) - OPREMA

The POITTEMILL pendulum roller mill is a vertical mill that works by compressing the material bed. The pendulums mounted on a star wheel are driven by a vertical shaft. Each pendulum is fitted with a grinding roller that rotates upon its axis. The rotation of the star wheel combines with the articulation of the pendulum to generate a centrifugal force at the grinding roller level. The product is ground between the grinding roller and the fixed bull ring.